Pacific Aquarium
Brand Identity
Graphis New Talent Awards 2024 Gold
I did the rebranding project for the Aquarium of the Pacific, which I called Pacific Aquarium. Typically, when people think of aquarium design, they tend to imagine friendly and playful identities geared towards families and children. However, aquariums naturally attract their intended audience, and in this rebranding project, my goal was to capture the dreamy, poetic, musical, and elegant atmosphere of the place. Pacific Aquarium is a window to the underwater garden, unlimited imagination, and a song of the ocean.
“Window” is a key concept of the rebranding. I created a modular typeface based on the shape of the aquarium tanks, using it as a window to showcase all the wonders we have to offer. Also, the parentheses are the interpretation of the windows in texts.
The color palette was inspired by the layers of the sea, with the vertical gradient symbolizing water depth, making it another important element of the brand.

